EMN Slovakia Podcasts bring up interesting lectures, interviews, and discussions (in English or Slovak) with experts on current topics, new perspectives and interesting facts on migration. Activities of the European Migration Network (EMN) in Slovakia are coordinated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The EMN is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. More information on EMN: www.emn.sk Podcasty EMN Slovakia prinášajú zaujímavé prednášky, rozhovory a diskusie s expertmi o aktuálnych témach, nových pohľadoch a zaujímavostiach o migrácii. Aktivity Európskej migračnej siete v SR koordinuje Medzinárodná organizácia pre migráciu (IOM). EMN financuje Európska únia a spolufinancuje Ministerstvo vnútra SR. Viac o EMN na www.emn.sk.
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
The lecture presents migration and development from the perspective of a migrant and the Global South, rather than from a dominant perspective of Global North and receiving countries. It debates these two perspectives in terms of theory and politics, reconceptualizes forced migration and takes a closer look at the global governance on migration using practical examples from Mexico and the USA.
This lecture was part of the 8th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration 2021 entitled "Migration in a Multilateral World". The Seminar is organised by the International Organization for Migration Slovakia as the coordinator of the Slovak EMN National Contact Point. This activity is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
Thank you for listening.
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Sonia Plaza: Migrant money as the hidden force in global economics
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
The lecture explores what happened to remittances in the global economy during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and highlights the importance of diaspora skills and investments. It shows how the pandemic affected remittance flows in different world regions, reveals reasons behind resilience of remittances, and analyses their impact on macro and micro (household) level. The lecture summarizes top recipients of remittances globally in 2020, provides data on remittance inflows to Slovakia, and analyses outlook for remittances in 2021. It points out the issue of costs of sending remittances as well as policy responses aimed at supporting migrants, migrants’ families and remittance infrastructure.
This lecture was part of the 8th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration 2021 entitled "Migration in a Multilateral World". The Seminar is organised by the International Organization for Migration Slovakia as the coordinator of the Slovak EMN National Contact Point. This activity is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
Thank you for listening.
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Frank Laczko: COVID-19 and its impact on global migration trends
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Based on the information gathered at IOM’s Global Migration Data Portal, the lecture identifies key trends in global migration during the COVID-19 pandemic and explains the impact of pandemic on mobility and migrants around the world. Special focus of the lecture is on irregular maritime migration to Europe (missing migrants in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean), migrant worker’s role in critical sectors such as healthcare, services, sales, agriculture, forestry and fishery, as well as remittance flows. The lecture discusses also infection and death rates among migrants and their access to COVID-19 vaccines, and provides insights into increasing anti-migrant sentiments across Europe.
IOM’s Global Migration Data Portal (thematic pages with overview of migration data and publications relevant to COVID-19):
This lecture was part of the 8th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration 2021 entitled "Migration in a Multilateral World". The Seminar is organised by the International Organization for Migration Slovakia as the coordinator of the Slovak EMN National Contact Point. This activity is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
Thank you for listening.
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Melissa Siegel: Debunking migration myths and misconceptions
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
The lecture addresses the most prevalent myths and misconceptions around migration including those related to migration-development nexus. It discusses misconceptions around who is a migrant, around migration trends as well as around how migration and development interact. The lecture challenges the dominant views which are reflected also in the European policies that development as such or development aid in particular will reduce migration.
This lecture was part of the 8th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration 2021 entitled "Migration in a Multilateral World". The Seminar is organised by the International Organization for Migration Slovakia as the coordinator of the Slovak EMN National Contact Point. This activity is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
Thank you for listening.
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Trendy a štatistiky o migrácii v SR 2020
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
V prvom podcaste Európskej migračnej siete (EMN) Slovensko Vám predstavujeme migračné štatistiky zo Slovenska a Európy za rok 2020. Povieme si o najčastejších krajinách pôvodu migrantov, o dôvodoch prečo prichádzajú na Slovensko, ako aj o migračných trasách, ktoré niektorí z nich využívajú. Priblížime si aj situáciu v oblasti azylu - koľko ľudí o azyl požiadalo, odkiaľ pochádzali a koľkým bol udelený. Na záver si priblížime hlavné udalosti z oblasti migrácie na Slovensku za rok 2020, ktoré budú zverejnené vo Výročnej správe EMN o migrácii a azyle v SR. Prajeme príjemné počúvanie.
Aktivity EMN (www.emn.sk) financuje Európska únia a spolufinancuje Ministerstvo vnútra SR.
Music: Clear Progress by Scott Holmes Music is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.